Happy 2014

31 Dec 2013

Just a quick post to wish all of you out there reading this little blog a very happy new year wherever you are. Here is to hoping that 2014 is even better than 2013!

2013 was a tough but good year for us. As we continued to settle in Germany, made new friends and had to readjust to a new (better) job position, here are a few key facts I wanted to share with you about 2013.  

3 numbers:

Numbers of photos taken: over 4300

Number of bikes in our shed: 7 (hum...)

Number of Genovese eaten in Sicily: 9 (but not by myself!!!)

3 German words learned:

schwanger* (and all of the others that followed: Waage, Ultraschalluntersuchung, Hebamme,...)

Marienkäfer: LJ surprised us with translating that one for us once completely unexpectedly (=ladybird) - a new life skill, no doubt!

Bindehautentzündung: conjunctivitis. Not the kind of words you learn at school but essential with a child attending kindergarten.

3 best moments:

Proud parents moment: LJ's fluency in (German and) English

Favourite family holiday: Lanzarote for its relaxing powers

Best meal: it is a tie between Istanbul's kebabs and Paris' Algerian meal

Wishing you all the very best for 2014!

*schwanger = pregnant
Waage = scale
Ultraschalluntersuchung = ultrasound (easy, right?)
Hebamme = midwife


  1. Thanks, Buddy. I have also enjoyed your blog and will continue to check in to read your posts. Happy New Year 2014

  2. Happy New Year to you! 4300 sounded like a lot pf photos, but then I remembered took over 1000 just in Ireland!


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